The National & Local Commercial Cleaning Company

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What issues might I experience with a commercial cleaning service?

Not all commercial cleaning services have the same high standards and professionalism as we do here at Workplace Cleaning Solutions.

Inconsistency with your cleaner

You may find with other cleaning companies you experience issues such as the consistency of the cleaner, causing the service to wane. Although the need for a different cleaner will occur on occasion due to sickness and holiday, we allocate you a regular cleaner(s) who can consistently provide you with the best service.

Feedback not listened to 

There’s nothing more frustrating than repeatedly having your feedback ignored by your cleaner or the cleaning service provider. This is why we provide you with a dedicated account manager so any issues can be addressed immediately. We have been providing professional cleaning since 2005, so we know how to deliver a high calibre service. Just take a look at our testimonials!

Poor communication

Communication between you and your commercial cleaning provider is important to ensure you get the best service. At the start of every cleaning contract, we agree on how and when you want to be communicated with. We can check in every month or every clean, you decide. At a minimum, we will check in monthly with your invoice. And, if you’re not happy about something we will do something about it…because that’s what professionals do!

Tied into long contracts

Some commercial cleaners will insist you sign a long contract to work with them, this is fine until problems occur and you’re stuck in a contract with a provider you’re not happy with. At Workplace Cleaning Solutions, client satisfaction is top of our list. This is why we offer a rolling contract so you’re not tied. We want to provide you with the best commercial cleaning service so you want to stay with us.

Want to know more about commercial cleaning services? Click here to connect with your local branch who will be happy to help.

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