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Does working as a self-employed commercial cleaner impact Universal Credit?
Can I still get benefits if I work as a self-employed Commercial Cleaner?
Universal Credit is a monthly payment to help with your living costs. You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income, out of work or you cannot work.
This link is super useful to find out what benefits you are entitled to, you do not need to submit your details so it is confidential.
As a self-employed commercial cleaner, at the end of each monthly assessment period, you’ll need to report:
- how much you earn from self-employment, even if it’s nothing
- any money you paid into a pension
- payments into and out of your business
You can use this link to find out more
If you’re both self-employed and employed
Your Universal Credit payment will be calculated based on your combined earnings from self-employment and employment.
If you make a loss from self-employment, only your employment earnings will be used to calculate how much Universal Credit you get.