The National & Local Commercial Cleaning Company

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What if I don’t have any cleaning experience, can I still apply for commercial cleaning roles?

Here are some things you can do to get the skills you need for commercial cleaning roles

One of the best ways to get the right skill sets for commercial cleaning roles is to get a cleaning qualification like the ones from City & Guilds.

These qualifications are aimed at those working, or looking for work, as a professional cleaner.

You can click the link below to access more detailed information and there is a useful postcode search to help you find the nearest centre to you.

Practical Cleaning Skills (Awards) qualifications and training courses | City & Guilds

Build up cleaning experience by cleaning homes in your neighbourhood

You could ask people you know in your neighbourhood if you can clean their homes & local business premises. 

You could speak to your local barber or hairdresser, small businesses with one office area

You may need to charge a little less than the rates of an experienced home cleaner as you are still developing your skills, but this will give you a guideline of what you can charge for your hourly rate.

Download our Cleaning Starter Pack for guidance on how to get a cleaning experience

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