The National & Local Commercial Cleaning Company

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How many cleaners will you send me?

The number of cleaners you will need for your business premises will depend on the following

  • Frequency of cleaning
  • Number of hours for each clean
  • Size of your business premises
  • Your cleaning maintenance budget

For example, if your business premises require daily cleaning of 2 hrs each weekday, then this can typically be managed by one cleaner. If that daily clean required 6 hrs each day then the cleaning team would need to expand to at least two, if not three cleaners on rotation.

At Workplace Cleaning Solutions Commercial Cleaning, part of our service is to conduct an on-site visit so we can assess your business premises and work with you to find the best solution for your cleaning plan.

This visit will take into account what the cleaning goals are for your business premises and your cleaning maintenance budget. Your business with work with a local Workplace Cleaning Solutions branch so you have consistent and direct contact with your local account manager.

A dedicated WPCS Account Manager is waiting to answer all your questions; click here to connect with your local branch

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To get instant access to the Cleaning Schedule template, please complete the form

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