The National & Local Commercial Cleaning Company

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Do you use our cleaning equipment or your own?

At Workplace Cleaning Solutions Commercial Cleaning we use your cleaning equipment to avoid cross-contamination.

Because of the variety of business premises we clean, clinics, pubs, restaurants, offices, and manufacturing units, for example, using the same cleaning materials could put your business at risk of cross-contamination.

Your local Workplace Cleaning Solutions branch account manager can connect you with a janitorial service to supply you with all the cleaning products & equipment your business premises needs. They can also help guide you on the most efficient products to use so you get the best product for each cleaning task. Click here to connect with your local branch

A dedicated WPCS Account Manager is waiting to answer all your questions; click here to connect with your local branch

FREE Office Plants for Leicester Businesses

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To get instant access to the Cleaner Invoice template, please complete the form

To get instant access to the Cleaning Schedule template, please complete the form

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