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How do I get paid as a subcontracted cleaner with WPCS?
As a self-employed commercial cleaner, you will need to submit an invoice with all the cleaning hours you have done within the time period agreed.
Typically, most clients will pay you at the end of each month for the cleaning hours you have worked.
For example; if you clean 20 hrs a week and the time period is for 4 weeks, then you would put 80 hrs on your invoice
If you have agreed with your client to charge them for any cleaning materials, then you would also put the amount owed to you on the invoice for those products, total them up and submit the total amount on the invoice either directly to your client or the cleaning service who referred the client to you.
Most clients or cleaning services will typically pay you within 7 – 14 days of receiving the invoice, this depends on the payment terms that have been agreed upon.
As a self-employed commercial cleaner, you can decide on your payment terms.
Would you like a template invoice with an example invoice to show you what it looks like? Click here to get instant access
You can use a FREE Digital Accounting Tool to record your cleaning hours & expenses. You can even send invoices from the app which is super helpful.