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What checks are made on your cleaners?
We have one of the most robust recruitment processes in the industry, this is driven by our overarching mission to be 100% professional and bolstered by our company’s core values.
- We have a reputation in the cleaning community as supportive, respectful & diligent
- This reputation has helped make Workplace Cleaning Solutions a company of choice in the cleaning community
- We get a high percentage of applicants through our referral system because of our reputation
- We attract applicants based on their attributes & values; attention to detail, professionalism & helpful
- We use multiple channels to source applicants to make sure we have a wide reach of excellent candidates
- Our process includes application form, telephone screening, face to face interview, and reference checking in addition to other recruitment stages to make sure applicants are suitable
- Workplace Cleaning Solutions are about building long term professional relationships with cleaners who work with us
We also have the option to provide police checked cleaners if your business requires them.
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