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Do I need a photo ID to apply for cleaning jobs?

When you apply for commercial cleaning hours with Workplace Cleaning Solutions Commercial Cleaning, as part of the process you will be asked for photographic identification (photo ID).

The reason we ask for a photo ID is so that your commercial cleaning clients know you are you say you for security purposes.

Giving someone access to a business premise that has not been properly identified could put the business and the people in the business at risk.

If a person is given access to the business premises and they have not been properly identified then this could compromise intellectual property, insurance on the contents of the building, potentially but other staff members at risk.

At Workplace Cleaning Solutions, as part of our due diligence, we check all applicants’ identification so we can confidently say to our clients that documentation has been checked.

Here are acceptable forms of photo ID

  • Valid passport – this means a passport that has not expired
  • Valid driving licence card – this means a licence that has not expired and has a photo on the card
  • Proof of age card such as the PASS card from the national Proof of Age Standards Scheme

What we can accept if you do not have any of the above forms of photo ID

  • We can accept the following as an alternative to a passport or driving licence to confirm your identity

Birth certificate (certified), plus 3 recent proof of address documents taken within the last 3 months, police check certificate taken within the last 3 months, a notarised letter confirming your identity

Apply to your local WPCS Branch for cleaning jobs

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